Sunday, November 21, 2010

Share Your Story

Dear Ones,

My Alma matte is always encouraging me to tell my story. They say that it is an important part of the school's history. They want to know how my experience has influenced my life, and do I have any advise for new, upcoming students. More than my college years, my birth event was monumental, remarkable. I continue to look back and touch upon the many chapters. It was grueling, exhausting. But somewhere in the heat of all of that work, something happened. I can't recall exactly the moment, but something grand happened and I have never been the same.

How do you want to recall your birth experience, and what can you do to help support your intention?

In the coming year, in yoga, I envision giving women an opportunity to journal about their pregnancy experience. My hope is that it will entice you to continue writing and record, special, significant moments of your birth that capture your heart. For example, Kelly broke all of our hearts in our closing circle when she shared how sweet the smell of her baby Helen was when they first put her on Kelly's chest. These moments are precious, and we should do everything in our power to anchor them deep in our being.

This week in yoga I will be bringing my camera and taking pictures of all of you in poses in anticipation of sharing you on my blog. Then, after you have your babies' I'd love the opportunity to do a feature story on each of you. I truly hope you will join along.

In love and light,


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