Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's all about the Joy

They're two peak experiences for us, conception and childbirth.
For many women,
 the intensity of our desire to have a baby is so powerful
 that when we conceive, it feels like
a dream has come true for us,
and when our babies slip out of our bodies, we describe it as euphoria. 

Can we influence how much joy we receive in these rare, spectacular moments? Isn't that what the experiences are all about, joy? Consider the following exercise to help optimize your experiences.
It's all about the Joy
Answer these 3 questions
  1. Identify the happiest day of your life. 
  2. Identify 3 factors that helped you to feel so happy.
  3. Out of the 3, choose the most important one.
I think that what you will find is that it was the strength of your desire that supported the other two, for it is our intentions in life that propel our movement. For me, with both conception and childbirth, it was my intense desire that helped me to stay focused, and certain of my success.

At birth blessings yoga,
 we recognize the power of our desire to optimize our experience,
 and slow down enough just to feel it.

Roxanne Beinart ready to Give Birth  

It seems so benign, slowing down, breathing, and feeling. But if you remember how strongly you wanted something in your more formative years, when desire was fresh and free and you dared to reach for what you wanted in this world, than you'll understand the power of intention to help manifest your dreams.



Thursday, February 13, 2014

Heart to Heart

Did you know that your baby is programmed to find a face for a focal point to attach to, just like they are conditioned to suck when something comes close to their mouth? Of course, of all of the lovely senses that live on your face, it's the eyes that will command more of your baby's attention simply because the act of sight takes up more space in the brain than any of your other senses, hearing, smell, and taste. Seeing is actually responsible for combining all of your senses so that they function as a coordinated whole. This synthesizing of the senses will allow him/her to quickly recognize a familiar face. Of course, we do not want it to be just any face, but the face of you! So one of the ways that you can help bond deeply with your baby is by taking the time to gaze intensely into his/her eyes.

A Valentine's gift for you

5 steps to eye to eye contact

Please don't overlook your postpartum experience by getting all wrapped up with managing the day to day events of your life.  Instead, pay closer attention to the finer detail, the very finest!

1. Have a seat. When you sit down to feed your baby, consider the following; leave your phone elsewhere, and then allow your eyes several minutes of rest by welcoming a vacant, untethered, spacey stare.

2. Really look. Our eyes like all of our senses get desensitized to familiar situations. It is called habituation. So you'll probably need to make a conscious effort to make a connection with your baby's eyes.  Initially, you may find your baby's ability to maintain a gaze limited. However, if you remain steady like that of a still life portrait, I think that you will be pleasantly surprised to find that your baby will be continually drawn back to you, and you will be rewarded to see that they have found sheer delight in you!

3. Breathe easy. Try to embrace your post birth, jelly belly so that when you inhale it expands out more easily, and then effortlessly finds its way back in again. Deep, easy breathing will help to slow you down so that you can maintain your gaze for a longer period of time.

4. Be nice to yourself. Remind yourself what a great mother you are, that you have already spent 9 months nourishing your baby, and look how good he/she came out!

Yoga on Waquoit Bay, Falmouth, MA
Prenatal and Postpartum with Baby
Thursdays 6 to 8 p.m.
Call or text Maurene at 508/566-2531
5. Practice. It's the last phase of competency, practice. Set an intention for yourself that with at least one of your feeds daily, that you will work on eye to eye contact and of course, you are more than welcome to join us in the circle.



Monday, February 3, 2014

Assimilating your childbirth experience

I'm starting to understand why so few women are able to really hold their birth experiences. It's important to me, that women assimilate their experiences because with the resulting strength there is the opportunity for them to realize higher states of consciousness and in my brightest moments, that is all that really matters to me, because the world is so desperate for the light that beams forth; spreading joy and love like how the rays of sun burst through dark, thick clouds on a rainy day. It's so brilliant, that you can't help but gaze in awe of the splendors of our creator. Truly, once the initial work has been done, it's an organic process that just happens, like one learns to crawl and walk or ride a bike.
In his book "Magical Child" (it's a book you can really sink your teeth into!), Joseph Chilton Pearce refers to the three stages of competency developed by the well renowned French psychologist, Piaget. It's the very first stage that seems to prevent most women from assimilating their experiences.
It is called "roughing in" and it's a time when the nervous system needs to make a connection with a similar experience that already exists. If there is not one, from my understanding then this new knowledge is extremely difficult to attain. The frustration accompanied with learning over rides intent and one fails to continue to strive for mastery. For example, I never really took to playing a musical instrument in my formative years, so for me to learn to play the piano now would prove to be very difficult, because the synapses simply have not been activated. It doesn't mean however it is impossible, it just means that my intent or desire would have to be very, very strong to learn to play. What pray tell, experiences come close to that of childbirth? Unless a woman has had some sort of trauma or extraordinary physical experiences, the synapses to hold her experience simply do not exist. What can you do?

Continue to reflect and remember the intense, rare moments of joy in your experience, like the moment your baby was placed on your soft, wet belly, or the incredible high that you felt with the release the moment your baby left your body. In that way, you are enlivening the pathways from your experience that exist in your nervous system to bring about enough energy to set them ablaze. It seems like a high calling with not enough payoff. But in reality the opposite is true. The effort required is so worth the pending joy because life gets so much easier, like riding a bike or baking a cake!